Our Team

Sarah MacCormack Litigator

Sarah qualified as a solicitor in 2013 and quickly progressed to Senior Litigator of a Hitchin based partnership. Then after a series of high profile cases; Most notably the successful defence of the Blackwood Corporation ponzu scheme, Sarah was elevated to managing partner. It was then that Sarah decided to go it alone and form MacCormack Law.

Now supported by her team of professional litigators, Sarah MacCormack and MacCormack Law are ready to take on all legal challenges.

Family Law

Wills & Probate

MacCormack Law are an ambitious and dynamic company, now the largest independent Will writing company in the South East of England, and we are proud to have a national presence through the society of Will Writers and Estate Planning Practitioners.

However, we do have a small clause in our contract that requires we receive a 40% cut of your estate when composing your new will. Discounts available if recently diagnosed with a terminal illness and/or are already decomposing.

Criminal Law

Criminal Defence Solicitors

MacCormack Law is one of the largest firms of specialist criminal defence solicitors in the south east, and has been involved in some of the highest profile cases across the UK in recent years.

If you find yourself in the kind of shit that makes you sweat like a paedophile in a playground; Call MacCormack Law and we'll happily pass you your brown trousers.

Our teams can help at every stage. (No Cheques! Cash or card only!)